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How can you help rehabbers this spring???

Spring is in the air and so are opossums!!! 

Opossums may not be in the AIR exactly, but they really are everywhere lately.

With baby makin season behind us and now the littles coming out into the world, these lil nuggets are popping up in rehabs all over!

trash cat coffee petri place baby opossum rescue

Spring time means a lot of things are fresh and new, but for rehabbers it means formula, syringes, blankets and heating pads are in short supply. Incubators are one of the most coveted items for a rehabber, and those suckers are EXPENSIVE!!

Trash Cat Coffee was able to donate $200 to BabyWarm to help a rehabber secure one for their baby intakes!!

We were also able to donate from several Amazon wish lists. 

How can you help rehabbers in addition to living on Trash Cat Coffee???

Check with your local rehabbers for wish lists, needs lists or in kind donations.

Examples are:

  • baby blankets
  • news paper
  • potty pads
  • paper towels (tons and tons)
  • cleaning supplies
  • latex gloves
  • cat trees/towers
  • chew toys
  • stuffed animals

There are all sorts of things you may have around the house that can be put to good use with a rehabber!

Check their lists and do a quick run through of the closets, garage, y'all know that attic needs to be checked....and basements for those of you NOT in Texas. (basements are typically only in the movies...ff we dig, we end up in a well...just sayin)

*TCC Tip: rehabbers often have their wish lists in their social media profiles 

While you're in the spirit of cleaning out, have a yard sale and donate the profits to a rehabber or facility!!

Think of it as a SPRING CLEANING eggs'travaganza! (okay that pun got outta hand)

If you have already Marie Kondo'd your place, there is always Trash Cat Coffee!!!

We love that you continue to support us in our mission to help provide for native wildlife rehabbers. 

Thank you for stopping by to catch up!

If you have not already done so, leave us a review or share our page with a friend! The more the merrier - since rehabbin' ain't cheap!! 

Till next time...

P.S. - do you not just LOVE our Easter 'Possum?!? 

Art credit goes to @beckycalderon_art - She designs all of our AMAZING characters!!! 


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